
3D Printing

3D Models for 3D Printing

I model and print my own fittings for kites as well as other accessories and tools. Feel free to do what you want with these models, as they fall under the WTFPL license.

If you like these models and want to give me a thank you, feel free to drop me a donation here:

Spine Tail Stopper


An endcap to sit at the tail of a dual line kite.

The piece has 3 holes: 1: a hole to fit a 6mm ferrule inserted into the spine. 2 and 3: Small holes to thread through a leech line if needed


Name Description
Spine Tail Stopper 6mm v7.stl Has a hole with a 6mm internal diameter. Fits well on ferules for SkyShark P100, P200, P300 and similarly sized rods.
Fusion 360 Project

Printing Notes

I print this in nylon with no supports

Spencer WatsoncapsComment