
Build Log

K76 - Shiznit #2

The second Shiznit build with the final design, and the first customer ordered Shiznit. This build doesn’t derive much from the previous Shiznit build, barring some very minor measurement tweaks on fittings and spars as things settle in to place.


Starting with this build, I created hard templates for the panels, which added time to this build, but will certainly speed up subsequent builds.

3d Printing

My biggest struggle with this build was actually the printing. I just upgraded my Ender 3 printer with the Micro-Swiss direct drive mod and all-metal extruder. After the upgrade, I found that my fittings were fitting much tighter, and I needed to increase the tolerance to make things fit right, so that took some time to sort out. I was also struggling with the printer clogging frequently, which I think is largely because of the all-metal hot end. I don’t really need an all-metal hot end unless I want to print things like carbon fiber nylon, which isn’t currently something that I’m interested in doing. So, I’ll be switching back to a stock Ender 3 hot end.

I did add yoyo stoppers to this build, and I’ve gone back and added them to K75 as well. I had removed the yoyo stoppers from the plan because I was thinking that no one is going to be yoyoing it. However, I was out playing with K75 the other day, and I managed to get it into a yoyo, but ultimately failed because of the lack of stoppers. At least the yoyo stoppers are justified now.