
Build Log

K52 - 90Nine #1

My first dual line build.

This is the 90Nine, an open-source kite plan from kareloh.com.

I built this mostly following on the back of the On The Line Maverick live build along. I took the techniques shown there and adapted them as I saw fit to build this kite. This kite was done first because I didn't want to wait for another build session to finish the framing, when I could do that on my own.

The part of this build that stands out most to me is the framing. This is where I find dual line kites to be so much more challenging than quad line. This is framed with a mixture of Skyshark 5pt, Nitro, and Nitro Strong (all tapered rods). I'd never seen a kite with a tapered spine or upper leading edge. I made my best guess and put the narrow bit of the spine and upper leading edge at the nose so that it would be easier to deal with ferules to connect the leading edge, to connect to the center T, and to add weights on the tail.

I did have a hard time fitting a center T on the tapered rod though since it was too narrow for the ferrule to fit. I ended up sanding down the ferule to force it to work.

I'm interested to see how it flies and if I messed it up.