
Build Log

K58 - 100Sixteen #2

My second 100Sixteen based on the plans at kareloh.com. I enjoyed the standard enough that I thought I might like an SUL version.

Embroidered Sleeve

I got an embroidery machine and I want to start embroidering an image of the kite onto the sleeve so the kite is easier to identify in the bag. I’m pretty pleased with it so far.

3D printed parts

This is another kite sporting some red, shiny, 3d printed parts. These are noticeable on the spreader-leading edge connectors, and on the center T

No leech line, minimal reinforcement

To save on weight, this version is built with minimal reinforcement and no leech line. I continued to use Dacron for the leading edge because I didn’t think switching to spinnaker would have been worth the loss in durability.

Fussy frame

Because this kite is so big and lighter frames are so much more flexible, I found framing this one to be a bit fussy. I think this is mostly due to the 3pt lower spreaders being much more flexible than the Nitro Strong used on the standard.

Bridle reinforcement

I’ve had trouble with the upper leg of the bridle wearing where it rubs on the lower spreader. Instead of switching to heavier line, I’m trying to use heat shrink to reinforce that spot. Unfortunately, I did that before fussing with the framing, so I ended up not getting the positioning quite right. I’ll let this bridle wear out before I try it again, rather than waste the bridle.