K33 - Hex #3
Kite #2 of an 8-piece stack that I am building for WSIKF 2019
Some good notes:
- Continues hot-tacking plus using blue tape. Seems to be working fine.
- The size feels just right now after the previous adjustment.
- Didn't bother to add a bridle since it will be placed in a stack.
Some not-so-good notes:
- Lost tension in a couple places.. I think I bumped the tension setting on the machine. This is why I keep a piece of tape over the setting, maybe I need a better safeguard.
- Was trying to frame this up with what rods I had on-hand, found that the Oskusa T fittings and the 3 Wind end caps don't play well with the thick-ass Rev 4 wrap rods. That's ok though, I never really use 4 wrap rods anyway. I ordered some 3 Wind V rods, which are their heavier rods, to be used in the front of the stack, hoping I won't have issues with those.
This stack won 1st place in experienced sport kite hand crafted at the Washington State International Kite Festival in 2019.